Release Resentments Release Your Weight!
By: Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSWIt has been hypothesized time and again that when one is overweight the excess weight is a physical manifestation of unresolved emotional issues. A significant percentage of people who are overweight frequently eat compulsively in response to uncomfortable feelings, one such feeling being resentment. This brings us to Nurturing Nudge #19:
Release Resentments!
Holding on to feelings of anger or resentment towards others keeps you stuck in the past and hinders your ability to grow and live in the energy of abundance and love.
Create a block of time when you wont be disturbed.
Set an intention to release any negative feelings you have been holding against others. If you believe in spirit guides/angels invite them to support you and surround you in loving and healing energy as you begin this process.
Make a list of people against whom youve been holding resentments. One by one visualize each of them standing before you. Look directly into their eyes and tell them why you feel hurt by them. Tell them what you really want is to feel peace and serenity in your heart and that you no longer wish to hold on to these resentments. Understand that they were manifest in your life to teach you lessons and the negative energy you project onto them is a reflection of your disconnection with your authentic self. Know that you are both pure love and perfection at your core.
Now feel yourself releasing any unkind feelings you have towards them. Bless them, wish them well, and SET YOURSELF FREE!!!
Remember: holding on to feelings of anger and resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the person with whom you are angry dies.
It is safe for me to release my anger and
resentments as they serve no positive purpose
in my life.
I reclaim my power and move into the present
moment when I choose to release
When I forgive others I set myself FREE!!
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