WLS Weight Loss Success Lifestyles

WLS Lifestyles magazine is a digital health publication and online support platform dedicated to providing inspiration, education, guidance & support for anyone struggling with obesity or maintaining a healthy weight.

Consumers, Patients & Employees are writing their own weight loss success stories with America’s most trusted healthcare professionals guiding them all the way.

WLS Lifestyles covers many aspects of weight loss including: Issues Relating to Obesity, Weight Loss Surgery, Medically Managed Weight Loss, Weight Management & Maintenance, Metabolic Health Issues (diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, etc.), Healthy Living, Wellness in the Workplace, Enhancing the Mind, Body & Spirit, Obesity Prevention in Children, And So Much More. WLSLifestyles.com offers a subscription-based digital magazine and library of timeless magazine articles for anyone seeking weight loss support over the Internet.

Our goal is to inspire and guide people as they seek better health and long-term weight loss success. We understand that people challenged with weight related health issues are most often inspired by people that have faced and successfully overcome adversity in their own life. WLS Lifestyles tells these success stories in a positive and inspiring tone providing credible practical guidance based on scientific research.

WLS Lifestyles is written by Health professionals from across the healthcare spectrum, including: Physicians/Surgeons, Dietitians/Nutritionists, Health & Wellness Experts, Psychologists, Life Coaches and Others who are at the forefront in the fight against obesity.

People read WLS Lifestyles to help them live a healthier lifestyle and manage the emotional and physical challenges of overcoming weight related issues.

Bombarded by fad diets and quick fixes, our readers are working moms and stay at home mothers struggling to keep their families healthy while trying to find time for their own health. They are men looking for practical guidance instead of hollow tag lines of “just do it.” They are thirty something and middle aged women awash in a culture that glamorizes exceedingly thin women, rather than focusing them on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and accepting themselves for who they are.

We hope you find our digital magazine and online support platform to be a valuable healthy lifestyle resource for you and your family.

In Good Health,

WLS Lifestyles