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Getting Ready for the New Year

Jacqueline Jacques, ND

Many people resolve to lose weight in the New Year. Todays Blog talks about holiday weight gain and issues around New Years resolutions to lose weight.

Good News on a Good Thing

Jacqueline Jacques, ND

Among the many nutritional myths out there, I have long battled against a belief that some people hold that taking a multivitamin makes them more hungry and leads them to gain weight. Two new pieces of research show us some good news.


Jacqueline Jacques, ND

Just in time for the holidays, Kevin Trudeau, author and promoter, was found to be in contempt of a past FTC injunction against him for presenting false and misleading weight loss claims in his book “The Weight Loss Cure They Dont Want You to Know About,” and the associated infomercial.

Sour Over Vinegar

Jacqueline Jacques, ND

People have long touted Apple Cider Vinegar as a safe and natural weight loss remedy. Is there any truth to the folklore?

Nutritional Mythology

Jacqueline Jacques, ND

Lose Weight Without Dieting!

Newly discovered plant from Brazil acts like “herbal exercise” – you’ll never need to go to the gym again!

South American’s have long known the secret of a traditional plant that helps many a Brazilian beauty maintain her long sleek legs. But now, you can have these same benefits. BrazileanTM is the first product available in the United States that contains this incredible plant that will help you lose inches and get the toned look you want without hours of exercise. For only 49.95 a month – about what you pay for that gym membership – you can finally get results.