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Drop Some Rocks!

Katie Jay, MSW

We live in a busy world. Often success is measured by how much we do, how busy we are, and how heavy the load is that we carry. Are you carrying too much?

According to Dave Krueger, MD, Professional Coach, repetition of behavior is comforting because its secure and familiar, and we like to know what to expect. He says we substitute familiarity for

As a slightly chubby 9-year-old, I swam on my local team, and regularly won blue ribbons.

But I didnt feel like a winner.

Despite my swimming ability, one morning the swim coach singled me out

Self hate is part of my fat mind. Or to be more PC, its part of my obesity mindset. And I have decided that mindset HAS TO GO.

My son is a picky, picky eater. He has been that way practically since birth.

Certain textures are intolerable to him, and no amount of trying seems to cure that.

I understand. I cant touch

A Moment of Clarity

Katie Jay, MSW

My husband, Mike, and I watched the movie The Notebook recently. We dont normally watch love stories, especially not tear-jerkers. I get too sad! But something told me we better watch this

Running on the Beach

Katie Jay, MSW

It should have been a perfect moment, I thought as I spit sand out of my mouth like a man spitting out teeth after a fight.

I had taken my new dog, Ruby, to the beach for a walk. An action that

Ive always thought Id like yoga, but I had an experience last week (during my third yoga class) I hope I never forget.

I had attended two yoga classes before the one last week. My first class

I spoke at a conference last weekend on the topic of Transfer Addiction. When I was researching the topic for my speech, I learned that an Austrian psychologist estimates as many as 30% of weight