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If Your Weight Could Talk

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

It is my belief that we are all wonderful magnificent bundles of energetic love. That is our true or authentic essence. We know this when we are born, but somewhere along the way we disconnect from

Or are you trying to build your recovery around your life?

Loving Without Condition

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

You are perfect in this moment. Self-love and compassion is the foundation upon which a joy-filled authentic life must be built.

Relapse Prevention

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

Some simple reminders for keeping yourself on track!

Simple Ways to Self Nurture

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

Ok, so if you are going to maintain a healthy weight you really do need to change your lifestyle. Compassionate Self Nurture needs to become a way of life for you. As I’ve said before I do

What Motivates You?

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

Do you follow a specific eating plan simply because you want to lose weight? Chances are if this is your only motivation you will experience some difficulty making permanent lifestyle changes that

I have observed 3 traits common to many people who are unable to “stick to a diet” or make the lifestyle changes necessary to maintain healthy weight loss:

  1. They believe that a

I received so many emails in response to Nurturing Nudge # 19 that I thought Id share it with you.

I do believe in order to maintain a healthy weight loss one must make specific lifestyle and behavioral changes that are grounded in self love and respect. I have studied people who I believe to

Love Really Is the Answer

Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

Permanent healthy weight loss is the consequence of self love and respect, not the cause of it!

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