Simple Ways to Self Nurture
By: Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSWOk, so if you are going to maintain a healthy weight you really do need to change your lifestyle. Compassionate Self Nurture needs to become a way of life for you. As Iâve said before I do believe over eating is often an attempt to self nurture. You must put attention to creating new more positive self nurturing behaviors: below are some simple ways to consciously create a living style that is truly reflective of self love and respect:
Simple Ways to Self Nurture
- When you wake up in the morning take a few moments to remember your dreams, meditate, think happy thoughts, set your intention for the day.
- Consciously nurture each of your senses every: (i.e. listen to a favorite cd, write in your journal, read a page of an inspirational book, moisturize your body with a great smelling lotion, look at/notice special pictures around your house, eat and savor the flavor of a piece of fresh fruit).
- Before leaving the house do a body scan and release any tension you might be holding in your body. Pay attention to your breathing.
- Be on time for all appointments.
- When you are driving in a car listen to a cd of some beautiful music, or an inspirational/motivational speaker, or ride in silence so you can listen to you/your higher power, your inner wisdom, etc.
- When you are stopped at a traffic light, pay attention to your breathing. Relax any tight muscles in your body and say an affirmation out loud (âI treat myself with love and respect every moment of every dayâ).
- Keep a fresh flower or plant on your desk at work, and in your bedroom at home.
- Throughout the day take a few moments to go outside to breathe in some fresh air to re-center and reconnect.
- Set boundaries.
- Acknowledge and celebrate what you accomplish during the day⊠no matter how small the task might be (i.e. I returned a phone call, I mailed some letters, I said a nice thing to myself, I said hello to a stranger, etc..)
- Create a transition ritual for yourself when you arrive home from work to release your work day (change your clothes, take a shower, do some exercise, etc.. )
- Donât rush through meals, even if you have after meal obligations, Take the time to be present and enjoy your food. Keep the conversation positive at the dining table: (have everyone tell the best thing that happened to them that day!).
- Allow yourself to feel.
- Acknowledge and express gratitude for everything that goes well in your day (i.e. got a good parking spot, kept my word to myself, had a great conversation with a friend, etc.)
- Create a bedtime pampering ritual (take a bubble bath, spend some time meditating, read a book, write in your gratitude journal, listen to beautiful music, etc..)
- Sing, Dance, Play!
- Take an art class.
- Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
- Go outside and notice the miracles and beauty of nature.
- Get a massage.
- Paint your nails.
- Pluck your eyebrows.
- Go on a weekend retreat.
- Learn Yoga.
- Learn to play a musical instrument.
- Every time you look in the mirror say something loving to yourself.
- Plant a garden.
- Paint a room in your house a wild color!!
- Go to a town youâve never been to before and window shop.
- Refute any unloving thoughts.
- Know that you are perfect in this moment!!!
- Lift weights.
- Say a silent prayer for yourself.
- Say a silent prayer for someone who drives you crazy!
- Count your blessings.
- Surround yourself with loving and supportive people.
- Watch a sunrise or a sunset.
- Hang inspirational and meaningful pictures in your house and at your work.
- Keep affirmation and inspirational books around your house and read at least one page every day.
- Spend some time near water.
- Learn to say ânoâ.
Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW Telephone: 856.429.9799