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Article Title
Having Bariatric Surgery Covered Based on Medical Evidence

With insight from Dr. Mitchell Roslin.

Does Your Insurance Carrier Have An Exclusion In Your Policy For Bariatric Surgery?

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Check your insurance policy frequently avoiding weight loss surgery denial due to an exclusion or non-coverage policy change. Exhaust all surgery options before throwing in the towel and never, never give up. Usually there are other possibilities to consider before tossing all hope away of ever having bariatric surgery.

The Biggest Hurdle: Medically Supervised Diet Documentation

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Insurance expert Ellen Bell, once again imparts her insurance knowledge, explaining the importance of medically supervised diet documentation. Walk through this process with your primary care physician, and together you can conquer the documentation hurdle.

Your Primary Care Physician and the Letter of Medical Necessity: Absolutes for Your Insurance Approval

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: After all non-surgical weight loss efforts have been unsuccessful, many patients consider weight loss surgery. Ellen Bell continues her inquiry into insurance practices and procedures relating to bariatric surgery approval. Before preparing patients to meet the demands of surgery, primary care physicians and specialists must also be familiar with properly completing the necessary documents for insurance approval which often requires meeting specific criteria.

Insurance Q&A

WLS Premium ContentInsurance Q&A

Stacey Posner, Esquire

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Attorney Stacy Posner answers specific weight loss surgery insurance questions related to reconstructive surgery.

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