Loving Without Condition

By: Louisa Latela, MSW, LCSW

From this moment on I’d like you to make a vow to yourself to never say another unkind word to or about yourself. It serves no positive purpose. Many of my clients really have a difficult time with this one; in fact, a lot of them don’t even realize that they are saying unkind things to or about themselves because negative self talk has become their native language.

Just take a moment to imagine what it would feel like to unconditionally love and accept yourself to know that no matter what you did or didn’t do, you would not shame or berate yourself. If you can’t imagine that for yourself, think about someone whom you do love unconditionally: maybe a child, your spouse, your pet. Imagine feeling about yourself and responding to yourself the way you do to and about them.

What would your life look like? Would you care for yourself differently? If so, how? What would you say to yourself? Would you dress differently? Would your relationships change? How would you be eating? What would you be talking about with your friends and family? Would your career be any different? How about hobbies? Would you be doing anything different socially? Would your living environment change? If so, how?

Take some time to think about this:
Do you love yourself unconditionally? Write down any thoughts or feelings that arise for you. If the answer is “no,” describe how your life would be different than it is today if you did love and accept yourself unconditionally. Use the questions above as a guide or refer back to Lesson One’s Characteristics of Authentic Living.

If you get stuck, think about someone you believe to be living a life that is truly reflective of self love and respect. How is his or her life different from yours?

This is an excerpt from Live Your Highest Good: Make Peace With Your Body and Food E-Workbook.

To read more visit [(http://www.liveyourhighestgood.com)] or contact Louisa at [([email protected])] or 856.429.9799