Forty, Fit and Fab in Florida!

By: Teresa Dunn, Celebrate Vitamins

Tomorrow embarks on an exciting part of my journey! Let me explain, tomorrow Friday July 23 is my anniversary. No, I am not married, it is the anniversary of my divorce, so I am celebrating being single. The past three years have been filled with lots of wonderful life lessons. Yes, some of them were hard lessons, and often difficult. Not to mention, I am hard headed and learned them kicking and screaming. Nonetheless I learned and they were wonderful and will assist me in growing and becoming a stronger wiser person.

So, tomorrow I am celebrating single life in South Florida. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am not male basher in the least. Actually I believe men treat us the way we allow them to treat us. That is one of my life’s lessons in the past three years as well. If one allows someone to mistreat them, bully you, call them names and talk down to them
.how is that the abusers fault? When one allows it?

Perception must have clicked after the 312 date on the marathon “Teresa tried to find a soul mate”, and I walked into the restaurant before I even sat down my date said “If you want to eat you will have to buy your dinner, I only invited you for a drink.” DATE OVER PLEASE INSERT ANOTHER QUARTER. I wasn’t looking for free dinner sir, but some conversation would have been nice.

It was shortly after that I was invited to take a year off of dating and work on me, I thought that was the craziest thing I had ever heard. That was about 2 years ago, and I am still working on me and discovering the things I like to do.

After tomorrow’s celebration then there is a HUGE MILESTONE on Saturday. It’s my Birthday and I turn 40. There were several years wasted in my life, dreading 40. My eyes have been opened and I am seeing that in an entirely different light.

It seems as if I am going to this decade much wiser, stronger, healthier and happier than I could have ever dreamed. The years prior I had sort of just meandered through looking for something to complete me. Food, shopping, dating, and whatever the newest fad, none of those things seemed to satisfy my insatiable hunger and burning passion to live and not just exist.

It seems Forty in Florida will be the hottest day of the year!

On to Sunday July 25, 2010. Generally this has been a sad day for me over the past 11 years. This year it will signify the 12 year of my grandfather’s leaving his body behind on earth and going to a much better place. My grandfather was was diagnosed with a return of cancer on May 20 of 1998 and he died within two months. I am thankful he did not suffer longer as some times people linger with cancer for long months. Sunday will not be a tribute to his death, but a celebration and a memorial of his life.

Some of my earliest memories in life are of times spent with my grandfather, I used to sit at his feet as he did wood working on the steps of the porch. He was always telling me stories that applied to life, or teaching me about animals, plants and other valuable lessons.

My grandfather used to read stories to me from The Brother’s Grim Fairy Tale Books, one of my favorites was Rapunzel and as my grandfather would get to the part where “The kings son came and called Rupunzel let down your hair” I would listen with big wide eyes! (Pun intended)! Once I said to my grandfather, do you think my hair is long enough for the kings son to come marry me? He said “Rass (that is my childhood nick name he gave me) if the kings son has to drag around on your ponytail to get where he is going, he ain’t worth having!”

My grandfather was a wise man!

This is going to be a beautiful weekend for me.