Have you played this game?

By: Cher Ewing

I know when I signed up for my surgery I had all sorts of high hopes this was the be all-end all and my life was going to be what I finally wanted it to be. Well as many of you know thats not what happened to me. For those of you who are not familiar with my story, Ill give you the brief overview.

I was only half commited to my post-op lifestyle, I had expected my Lap-band Surgery to do a lot more than it actually did. I really believed I had found my Magic-Bullet and I would be on the road to losing weight and getting fit. Well I did the first year, very little effort on my part and I lost sixty pounds. After the first year everything came to a screeching halt, no weight loss or weight gain in a year, not bad uhh? After two years of staying the exact same I finally had to have the Heart to Heart with myself.

Are you happy with who are now? NO!

If you dont lose another pound will you be happy? NO!

Are you willing to commit to a completely new LIFESTYLE? YES

What are you going to do to make it happen? Adjust my eating and exercise

Im sure you have Played this game! What kind of talk did you have with yourself? Did anything change after you had the talk? Im asking you to be very honest with YOU not anyone else.

I can honestly say I have had that talk with myself on more than one occasion, but this time something stuck. Maybe its because Im in my forties now and have really embraced the gift Ive received.

Here are some other things that Ive learned that have helped me to stay on track:

· Get plenty of rest. · Eat slowly and chew my food thoroughly. · Eat until Im satisfied, not Thanksgiving full. · Find an exercise program I really enjoy · Drink more water. · List all of the things for which I am grateful.

So, heres my challenge to you: Try these suggestions for 1 month and notice how differently you feel, physically as well as emotionally. If you find that you feel better, and are experiencing some new sensations in your body and attitude, then consider extending this experiment for another month. This time, add one or two things that would introduce a small degree of change to your life. This last one is key: introducing too much change too fast just sets you up for failure, so keep it simple. I like the KISS acronym: Keep It Simple, Silly.

I would love to hear your feedback. How are you feeling about the changes you are experiencing?

Cher Ewing, CC

Certified Life & Wellness Coach Author of Transformation Caravan Radio Host for The New You Radio Show website: www.bandedtogether.net email: [email protected]