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Health Update magazine

BRIEF OVERVIEW: IN THE SPOTLIGHT – Football legend Joe Montana knows the value of a good coach and a great team — especially when it comes to beating high blood pressure.

Ask Dr. Huberman

WLS Premium ContentAsk Dr. Huberman

Warren Huberman, Ph.D.

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Clinical psychologist, Dr. Warren Huberman answers your questions.


WLS Premium ContentRecipes

David Fouts

RECIPES IN THIS ARTICLE: Swiss Oatmeal, Raspberry Peach Smoothie, Oriental Chicken & Spinach Salad, Brown Rice Stir-Fry, Alaska Salmon Bake with Walnut Crunch Coating

One More:  Fascinating Facts

BRIEF ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Think you have heard everything about weight loss and health? Here are some facts that may surprise you. These tidbits are short, making them easier to remember.