Love Your Body
By: Rachel Lerner, CNC, FNCCategory: Rachel Lerner, CNC, FNC
Remember the first time you fell in love with someone? That warm and fuzzy feeling you felt inside. All the wonderful sweet things and gestures you did to show the other person how much you care about them. How good does it feel to be loved and appreciated! So many of us are terrific at loving others unconditionally, but when it comes to loving ourselves and bodies, that is much more difficult to do.
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Recent studies show that 75% of women are dissatisfied with their size or shape! The key to our happiness and body acceptance is to slowly start adjusting our habits, or how we treat ourselves. Next time you are feeling dissatisfied with your body ask yourself this, Would I treat my friends or loved ones this way, or would I accept them the way they are?
In my opinion loving our bodies also has to do with feeling grateful, respecting and appreciating what we do offer. Many people have an image in their minds of what we should or should not look like and most of the time it is based on unrealistic ideas. How happy we are with ourselves is not always related to weight. Some women can be unhappy with their looks and therefore help themselves feel at one with their bodies by exercising, eating a healthy diet and embracing their beauty. Sometimes we might need to add a little meditation into our routine to help us refocus our thoughts on what we have accomplished rather than what we want to accomplish.
We have been created in different sizes, shapes and even strengths for a reason. Unfortunately the media has completely distorted the way we measure up against others. Yes it is true that comparing ourselves to others is sort of human nature and can even motivate us to work hard. The problem is when our self-esteem is damaged. Instead of aspiring to emulate others different shapes or sizes I believe we would be better off duplicating their self and body confidence! Be realistic with your body and goals. Find things about yourself to be proud of and focus on them.
Rachel Lerner is a holistic health coach and founder of Personal Web Nutrition, a company devoted to empowering individuals and corporations to find the right food and lifestyle choices that best support their lifestyle. She has run several successful weight loss contests and published an e-book weight loss program. She has led seminars for several corporations, including Starwood Hotels and YMCA, written articles for numerous publications and
Rachel also hosts her own radio show on called Healthy Bits and Bites. In addition, Rachel was the nutrition expert for Joan Lundenâs Camp Reveille, a unique summer camp for women.
You can contact Rachel at [email protected]. You can follow Rachel on twitter: or become a FAN on facebook: Personal Web Nutrition.