The Beautiful Lie

(Or The Ugly Truth)

By: Teresa Dunn, Celebrate Vitamins

Monday, February 8, 2010 The Beautiful Lie!

This has been a stressful weekend! Usually when I post there is a smile on my face and I have calmed down from all of lifes situations. So all you usually see is the sunshine! I am beginning to realize that sugar coating things and painting a picture that is so much more beautiful than the reality, is not only creating a beautiful lie to myself, but the world around me. Life happens day by day good, bad and UGLY!

Saturday when I came in to work the store the computer would not turn on, and after spending a good hour and a half futzing with it and trying to take care of clients at the same time, I was flustered. I am not going to lie and say the thought of eating a package of cookies didnt cross my mind, because it did! It would have been a compulsive reaction, but I thought about it and then took a step back and realized a couple of things. One just like everyone else, there is crap that goes on in my life that is just routine crap. I can deal with it by taking action and doing the best I can to change it and deal with it. OR I can compulsively react and eat. In the past I spent too much time, eating a pack of cookies, or a bag of chips. How many times I lied to myself in the past by saying I dont eat that much! I didnt eat the entire pack of cookies or the entire bag of chips, knowing that my motto of I never eat the last one made that beautiful lie an ugly truth. You see if I left the last cookie in the package, I wasnt eating the WHOLE thing. I could lie to myself and make it true!

The challenge has been to move past those days without punishing myself! I dont need to look back at myself as a victim, or as a pityful soul. A better plan for me has been to look back and learn the lessons involved with these experiences. What did eating an entire pack of cookies or a bag of crispy chips do for me when I we preop? Did it fill a hunger, or hide a truth?

These are all thoughts that have crossed my mind this week as life has came at me head on. Its hard to face life and it hurts sometimes. Emotional eating wont stop things from happening and it wont numb things, but figuring it out is only the beginning working through it is the challenge. It seems as if I am giving the problem but not offering a solution, correct? The solution lies within our own hearts.

Lets look inside and ask ourself what drives us to buy the cookies, and then what leads us to not have portion control and last what drives us to lie to ourselves and others about it. This is the key to open the door of healing.

We have our world and our future in our hands. Why drop the world to grab a cookie or a chip?

Love & Light ~~Teresa~~